Our Intentional SEL Lesson Integration Checklist is designed to support educators in effectively embedding SEL into academic content.

Developed with insights from the latest SEL frameworks, this tool will help teachers and school leaders ensure that SEL competencies are being addressed with intentionality in the classroom.

With this checklist, educators can confidently assess SEL integration across core competencies such as self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Why Use This SEL Integration Checklist?

  • Stay updated with CASEL’s latest guidance and ensure comprehensive integration of SEL competencies into every lesson plan.
  • Use real-time observation notes and clear indicators of SEL competency presence to refine instruction and foster meaningful student development.
  • Engage teachers, administrators, and SEL specialists to evaluate and improve SEL teaching strategies that are evident across various content areas.

Complete the adjacent form today to receive a copy of our Intentional SEL Lesson Integration Checklist and start making intentional SEL a reality in your classrooms.

Download Your Free SEL Integration Checklist

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