Developing Work Completion IEP Goals: Your Guide with Examples


Work completion is a critical skill for academic success and lifelong learning. This guide is designed to assist educators in creating effective IEP goals for work completion, aiming to enhance students’ abilities to finish tasks efficiently and effectively.

Understanding Work Completion

Work completion involves the ability to start, continue, and finish tasks within a given timeframe and to the required standard. For students with special needs, challenges in work completion can stem from a variety of sources, including difficulties with attention, organization, understanding instructions, or motivation.

The Significance of Work Completion Goals in IEPs

Incorporating work completion goals into a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) is essential for building their independence and ability to succeed in both academic and non-academic settings. These goals help students develop time management, organizational skills, and persistence.

Creating SMART Work Completion IEP Goals

  • Specific: Clearly define what aspect of work completion the student needs to develop. This might include initiating tasks, staying on task, or completing assignments within the allotted time.
  • Measurable: Establish clear criteria for evaluating the student’s progress, such as the number of assignments completed on time, the decrease in needed prompts, or the quality of completed work.
  • Achievable: Set realistic goals that are attainable within the student’s current capabilities and potential for growth.
  • Relevant: Ensure the goals are aligned with the student’s academic or vocational needs.
  • Time-bound: Specify when the goals should be reassessed to measure progress and determine if adjustments are needed.

Work Completion IEP Goals and Compliance

Effective work completion IEP goals must align with the student’s Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) and comply with educational standards under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This ensures that the goals are tailored to the student’s unique needs and practical for fostering real improvements.

  • Alignment with PLAAFP: Goals should be based on the student’s current performance related to task initiation and completion.
  • Compliance with Legal Standards: Confirm that the goals meet IDEA requirements, supporting the student’s educational rights.
  • Measurable Outcomes: Develop goals with observable and quantifiable criteria to facilitate progress monitoring.

Sample Work Completion IEP Goals

Disclaimer: These sample goals should be customized to fit the individual needs and circumstances of each student.

  • Task Initiation: By (date), the student will independently begin assigned tasks within 5 minutes of instruction in 9 out of 10 opportunities, improving from a baseline of 3 out of 10.
  • Staying on Task: By (date), the student will stay focused on tasks without external prompts for 20-minute intervals in 80% of opportunities, as measured by daily behavior charts.
  • Timely Task Completion: By (date), the student will complete homework assignments on time and to the required standard in 85% of opportunities, up from 50%.
Elevate Your Team’s Approach to IEP Meetings

Our Transition Planning Rubric is designed to support district leaders and educators in guiding their teams towards excellence in transition planning.

It provides comprehensive criteria that cover the breadth of transition planning, from gauging student engagement to evaluating post-secondary goals and services.

Why Use This Rubric?

  • Tailored Feedback: Utilize a structured scoring system to evaluate and enhance individual transition plans.
  • Fillable Format: Conveniently fill out the rubric digitally or print it for hands-on collaboration.
  • Action-Oriented Guidance: Benefit from a clearly defined path towards creating robust and legally compliant IEPs.

Expand your team’s capabilities and improve the success of IEP meetings.

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Additional Examples of Work Completion IEP Goals:

  • Reducing Prompts: By (date), the student will complete classroom tasks with no more than one verbal prompt per session in 90% of observed instances.
  • Quality of Work: By (date), the student will improve the quality of completed work, meeting all specified criteria for 5 consecutive assignments as evaluated by a rubric.
  • Organizational Skills for Work Completion: By (date), the student will use an organizational system (e.g., planners, checklists) to track and meet deadlines for assignments in 4 out of 5 opportunities.
  • Enhanced Concentration: By (date), the student will use strategies (like a quiet workspace or focus tools) to maintain concentration for at least 30 minutes during independent work times, with improvement from current 10-minute intervals.
  • Progress Monitoring: By (date), the student will self-monitor their progress on tasks using a simple checklist or tracking form, accurately reporting task status at the end of each day in 90% of the school days.
  • Handling Interruptions: By (date), the student will return to unfinished tasks within 10 minutes after an interruption in 85% of occurrences, as monitored by a classroom aide.

Strategies for Teaching Work Completion Skills

  • Visual Schedules and Checklists: Use tools like visual schedules or checklists to help the student keep track of tasks and deadlines.
  • Timer and Reminders: Implement the use of timers or technology-based reminders to aid students in managing their time effectively.
  • Reward Systems: Establish a reward system to motivate students and reinforce positive behaviors related to task completion.

More on Work Completion IEP Goals

By focusing on work completion in IEPs, educators can provide students with the tools they need to manage their responsibilities effectively. These skills are crucial for academic achievement and for developing the independence needed for success in future employment and personal endeavors.

Explore comprehensive strategies and resources that support the implementation of effective work completion IEP goals. Equip your students with the skills they need to navigate their educational and career paths successfully.

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Jon Izak

Jon Izak is the founder and CEO of Ori Learning.